Love is the most powerful emotion ,it has the power to create joy within a person it even carries the power to change anything , anyone and everyone but the emotion is so strong such that it jeopardizes emotions it brings even men to tears .
It hurt so much to imagine that the same emotion that had the ability, to feel merry and so special, is the same emotion that makes one torn apart and crushed. Countless times people have shed tears for love, the preconceived ambitions that died prematurely.
The love that never had a chance to reach to the future. Looking at the same person that used to love you, the person you also loved and in the end chaos had to take place.
What happened to the hopes we had for the future? What happened to the world vs us? At times we keep promising ourselves that love will never be a part of us anymore. Some even resort to be devoid of emotions, villians and the most stone hearted people one can imagine.
Others keep themselves busy, such that they hardly ever relax but in whatever we do whatever we touch something keeps reminding us that deep inside our hearts there is something missing.
There is a soul mate needed, someone to fill the gap or maybe heal the wounds .As the sun rises and set so does love. Love has the ability to make one toss at night and hardly sleep. At the mention of love smile escapes from ones lips.
Love distracts even a poet somewhere along the lines a love poem finds itself, somewhere among the lyrics love finds itself somewhere along the journals finds itself .love can be complicated ,love can be trying love can be great love can heal love can change love can destroy and it even kills.
But in all these no one can predict love no one can stop love and no one can withhold love above all one can never tell the true colour of love has many dimensions but above all it has many colours ,the past comes and goes, the storm comes and goes everything can be shattered but love will remain.
Somewhere in every part of the world love is on the lead hence the colours of love.
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