I may seem to be weak, I may seem to be fragile, dull, useless but I am totally opposite of all that. I am strong and brave no matter how the society undermine me, no matter how they try to weaken, knock me down and ignore my rights.
I am ready to fight for my presence to be seen and my voice to be heard. If it means losing everything for my rights, then lam ready for any battle which is on its way to face me. I am a warrior, I was born to conquer with that little power the world see.
My work, decisions and opinions in the society may be undervalued. I may face numerous obstacles but that won’t be the end of me. Threats and threats every day, I have feared and cried alone without anyone to hear me but that is enough. Now is the time I become who I want to be and who I think is the best of me.
You can’t use me for money when l have the hands to work for myself. I want peace not money. Don’t drag me into prostitution, it is hell on earth and drugs do not even shape my life .Therefore anyone discourage me, undermine or abuse me. I have to stand up and prove the world wrong for criticizing me.
I know and understand what my sisters want therefore I am ready to give my hand to them and be their voice. I am going to stand with them and wear our crowns. We deserve peace and freedom, we deserve to be respected not to be undermined. If it means screaming for our presence to be known, for our rights and for our tears to be seen then we are in.
I get what I want when I want to. I go where I want to when I wish to .Because I have the right to and the power to. Don’t expect to walk away from me without a battle, because lam ready for it and lam not going to let it go. Respect my yes and my no, don’t force me to do what I don’t want be who I don’t want .
I am a girl child. Respect me.
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