Local Political News

Why Two MDC Alliances Are Going To Contest the December By-Elections

It is the responsibility of the MDC family to explain to the people the difference between the two MDCA to contest the elections in December this year.

Various MDCA councillors and MPs have been recalled by the MDCT on the grounds that they are failing to adhere to the party loyalty.

However, Mr Morgen Komichi threw the stone into the pond by his recent speech in the MDCT 21st anniversary.

His statement reads; “from today we are the MDC Alliance,” MDC-T chairman Morgen Komichi. They assured the electorate that they will contest the by-elections as the MDCA.

To clarify the above I would like to show why two MDCA will contest the forth coming by-elections.

31 July 2018 MDC

The MDCA that contested the 31 July 2018 election is currently led by Dr Thokozani Khupe who is the Interim leader of the MDCT and at the same time leader of the MDCA as founded and left by the late Mr Morgen Richard Tswangirai. All this is by virtue of the Supreme Court Ruling that restored the MDCT back to it’s 2014.

This means that, Tswangirai is the current MDCT president, Khupe as the Deputy (Acting for the late Tswangirai), Mwonzora as the SG, Komichi the Chair and Nelson Chamisa SG for Policy and Research.

This makes Khupe the leader of the Alliance Agreement that was signed by Tswangirai with other leaders of political parties who contested the 2018 Harmonised election under the banner MDCA.

This Alliance Agreement will expire in 2023. This means that all the Councillors and MPs who contested under the MDCA are controlled by the MDCT, especially those who belong  specifically to the MDCT. Failure to adhere the MDCT have recapling powets. Hence, for all the By-Elections, the MDCT will contest the election as MDCA unless if it chose to do otherwise.

24th – 26th May 2019 MDCA

This is a New Movement for Democratic Change Alliance born out of the historic Congress convened from the 24th to the 26th of May 2019 at Ascot Stadium in Gweru, Midlands Province, Zimbabwe under the theme “Defining a New Course for Zimbabwe”.

This was a new MDCA formed by Nelson Chamisa and his loyalists to escape the pending downfall of Chamisa due to the Supreme Court rulling that was about to restore the party back to it’s 2014 structures.

Zandatoto was not hesitant to act swiftly against the New MDCA when he posted through his Twitter:

“How did the 5th MDC Congress held in Gweru in May 2019 become MDCA inaugural congress without any resolution to the effect? A person telling LIES is a LIAR no matter on whose behalf the LIES are told. Someone must stand up to restore integrity in politics.”

So the congress was convened as the 5th MDC Congress, yet, it was a new and first MDCA Congress meant to turn the MDCA agreement into a political party.

However, the move was aborted by the Supreme Court rulling that rewinded the MDC clock back to 2014.

Despite that, some members of the MDCA refused to swore their allegiance to Khupe and their various political parties committing themselves to Nelson Chamisa.  Hence, their new MDCA did not contest any election but is ready to contest the December By – elections.

I call for the political parties not to peddle lies but to tell people the truth. They need not to be shocked, that’s fatuation, but they must tell the truth.

Confusion is peddled more by so-called lawyers. Here are some of the examples!!

“Now they have changed theirname from MDC-T to MDC Alliance. Foolish puppets,” Pedzisai Ruhanya (Retweeted by Coltart).

“How utterly ludicrous is this? The MDC T which has been allowed by the Mnangagwa regime to remove MDC A MPs from Parliament because they are not “members” of the MDC T, is now claiming to be the MDC A. Truth stranger than fiction. But also an indication how desperate they are,” David Coltart (Tweet).

They must explain the truth rather that confusing the masses.

 I rest my case.

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