President Emmerson Mnangagwa has vowed that the Ndebele people will never be able to revive the Kingdom as long as the country is a republic.

President Mnangagwa told ZANU PF officials over the weekend that that Zimbabwe cannot have a Kingdom within a republic

Zimbabwe is a republic, there are people who wanted to revive the Ndelebe Kingdom in Matabeleland, and we said no, we cannot have a kingdom in a republic,” President Mnangagwa was quoted saying.

He added that “Zimbabwe is a republic, there can only be chiefs not kings, senior and junior, different levels but there are chiefs.

I got a letter on Wednesday from the grandson of King Lobengula saying thank you President for recognising Mtshana Khumalo, my great, great uncle. That’s what is done,” clarified President Mnangangwa.

He did not write a letter saying he wants to be king. No, he wrote a letter appreciating how we have recognised a general of my grandfather Lobengula or Mzilikazi, that’s what is done,” explained the President.

Zimbabwe currently has 3 claimants to the Ndebele throne namely Bulelani Khumalo, Stanley Raphael Khumalo and Peter Zwide Khumalo.

Credit: Bulawayo24

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