The opposition party ZAPU is eying to grab some council seats in the upcoming by-elections slated for 26 March 2022 as they promised that they will field council candidates.

This was confirmed by the party’s spokesperson Mso Ndlovu who also said “participation in political processes had previously been hindered by an overdue congress.”

The congress was eventually held and ushered in Sibangilizwe Nkomo as president of the country’s oldest political party.

“We are offering the mother party as an alternative in the by-elections and any other forthcoming elections.

“Zimbabwean problems are too dire for politicians to be testing and experimenting. So we seek to be part of a permanent solution to our people’s problems,” added Ndlovu.

Currently ZAPU has no councilor in any of the country’s local authorities and it says it will be hoping to use this election to enter the corridors of governance.

“We do have candidates for the vacant council seats. Concentration is on where we have a political presence at branch level.

“We are still busy isolating those areas and it won’t be strategic to blow the trumpet now by revealing which areas but we do have candidates for council seats,” he said.

Zimbabwe has 133 elective vacancies, which comprise 28 seats in parliament and 105 council seats.

Resident’s associations, opposition political parties such as the MDC Alliance and other stakeholders have blamed absence of councilors and parliamentarians for poor service delivery across the country.

President Emmerson Mnangagwa proclaimed the by-election date earlier this month to replace councilors and parliamentarians mainly recalled by opposition MDC-T.

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